On September 16, 1967, the City of Grand Haven celebrated the opening of a brand new library and community center. To commemorate the occasion, the library and City of Grand Haven are joining together for a special celebration on Sunday, September 17, from 3:00-6:00 pm. The buildings will be open for tours, a special rededication program will begin at 3:00 pm, and a community picnic will be held.Other events throughout the month of September are part of the 50th Anniversary celebration and are presented in collaboration with the City of Grand Haven and the Tri-Cities Historical Museum.
September 9 from 7:00 to 10:00 pm in Central Park
Bring blankets and camp chairs to the screening of this 1967 classic animated film. There will be free popcorn while supplies last. The movie begins at 8:30 pm.
1967 Trivia Night
September 12 at 6:30 pm at Odd Side Ales

September 14 at 7:00 pm at Loutit District Library in Program Room A
Join Archivist Melissa Ford of the Marshall M. Fredericks Sculpture Museum at Saginaw State Valley University, as she discusses the life and work of Marshall M. Fredericks. One of the most prolific sculptors of the twentieth century, Fredericks is known for his monumental figurative sculpture, public memorials, and fountains including Grand Haven’s own Flying Gulls Fountain.